You are here: Sales > Sales Order Reports > Customer Satisfaction Analysis > Recording an Incident

Recording an Incident


1. From the Record Menu, select New
2. Select the Debtor to which the incident occurred (ie. the Debtor on the Invoice that has had an issue). Often, it is the debtor who will call up and initiate the logging of an “Incident” when they have a problem with a received order.
3. Select the Invoice No that had a problem, as well as the History No and Line No, if applicable.
4. Select an Incident Type. If no incident type exists for the incident you wish to record, it is possible to define new incident types via the “Incident Types” form - by default this form is installed under the Configuration menu of the Customer Satisfaction Analysis menu (located within the Sales Order Entry main menu).
5. If any other pertinent details regarding the incident are available, record them in the Details text area.
6. From the Record Menu, Save the incident by choosing Save.


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